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- #8244: SPNEGO and IAKERB context aliasing bugs [CVE-20...
- #9114: Build fails with link-time optimization
- #7757: Multi-realm KDC null deref [CVE-2013-1418]
- #8598: Preserve GSS context on init/accept failure
- #8341: Verify decoded kadmin C strings [CVE-2015-8629]
- #7527: PKINIT (draft9) null ptr deref [CVE-2012-1016]
- #6402: CVE-2009-0845 SPNEGO can dereference a null poi...
- #7152: Null pointer deref in kadmind [CVE-2012-1013]
- #1789: Replacing Windows KRBV4W32.DLL with KRB4_32.DLL
- #7600: KDC TGS-REQ null deref [CVE-2013-1416]
- #5015: programs
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