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- #5934: "Key table entry not found while getting initia...
- #341: kdb5_util load_v4 with default stash file cause...
- #346: KRB5-1.0 build fails on Sun Ultra-1
- #8681: False-positive replays in {mk,rd}_{cred,safe,priv}
- #1533: krb524d.h contains invalid Mac pragmas
- #2919: Default ticket lifetime changed with 1.4
- #1517: Memory leak in kdc etype_info2 preauth
- #1098: Confused setting up multiple realms on one KDC
- #7125: krb5_verify_init_creds should try all host prin...
- #8195: Fix minor documentation errors
- #318: run-time load path not defined for libtcl7.5.so
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