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- #6353: disable single-DES by default
- #1521: afs3 salt on aes enctypes causes segfault
- #1024: FTPd no user home directory on Solaris causes h...
- #4964: Millenium Shattering Truth
- #6756: KDC 1.6/1.7/1.8 Installation
- #7080: failures to compile src/lib/krb5/krb/x-deltat.y...
- #5678: NIM: BUG: APP: WM_TIMER messages if received af...
- #860: port number of admin_server not optional
- #127: v4kadmin testing assumes athena environment
- #5566: krb5-send-pr is difficult to use and largely un...
- #7121: password argument to krb5_get_init_creds_passwo...
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