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- #6741: bug report: "too many SRV records" becomes "no...
- #7949: Handle invalid RFC 1964 tokens [CVE-2014-4341 C...
- #9131: Adjust removed cred detection in FILE ccache
- #1129: 1.2.5 lack of libresolv with --disable-dns-for-kdc
- #5018: doesnt happen though larger
- #5487: testing send-pr-gate
- #8404: Remove non-DFSG documentation
- #6689: krb5_typed_data not castable to krb5_pa_data on...
- #3162: fix more executable permissions
- #9119: Make profile_copy() work on dirty profiles
- #8993: PKINIT client cert notAfter has no effect on ti...
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