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- #7501: Update retiring-des with real-world experience
- #4407: final commits for KFW 3.1 Beta 2
- #7369: iprop can block for extended periods due to UPD...
- #7405: All kadm5srv consumers should log writes to the...
- #8299: Remove util/reconf
- #3924: the krb5_get_server_rcache routine frees alread...
- #5773: NIM: BUG: KMM: Ensure proper buffer length for...
- #2141: PEN1S Patch - Enla.rge Your C0CK ! ! . . . . ....
- #6004: KFW: FEATURE: Update NSIS installer for 64-bit...
- #7130: kinit to AD server should be more tolerant of c...
- #8050: Fix krb5_read_message handling [CVE-2014-5355]
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