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- #2257: [KFW 3.0 Feature Request] kinit.exe should perf...
- #6860: KDC denial of service attacks [MITKRB5-SA-2011-...
- #2877: RPCSEC_GSS uses fixed-size buffers
- #8805: Modernize example enctypes in documentation
- #8562: Add the certauth dbmatch module
- #8985: Restore krb5_set_default_tgs_ktypes()
- #4690: Add "get_data" function to the client preauth p...
- #7815: Text relocations in iaesx86.s
- #6364: declare replacement [v]asprintf functions
- #8611: test programs should dynamically select an free...
- #7862: ksu broken with 2FA principals
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