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- #2596: src/krb524/README out of date
- #1601: [<Kent_Wu@trendmicro.com>] RE: memory leak in s...
- #8422: Relax t_sn2princ.py reverse resolution test
- #5420: get_init_creds_opt extensibility
- #1012: MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU realm info
- #5125: Add -clearpolicy to kadmin addprinc usage
- #7571: Allow multi-hop SAM-2 exchanges
- #2212: GSS vs SSPI Interop Testing
- #687: kadmind "fix" for multiple realms in one KDC (fwd)
- #5630: Return value not checked in sname_to_princ
- #6693: Fix backwards flag output in krb5_init_creds_st...
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