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- #5745: NIM: FEATURE: KRB5: extended krb5 error support
- #5773: NIM: BUG: KMM: Ensure proper buffer length for...
- #7798: Fix error message quotations in install_kdc.rst
- #8597: acx_pthread.m4 needs to be updated
- #6496: Fix vector initialization error in KDC preauth...
- #131: Minor permission bugs in 7a distribution
- #160: curious typos in beta 7
- #5782: NIM: APP: BUG: Initial cursor position does not...
- #2882: Windows 2003 SP1 ktpass.exe generate keytab fil...
- #5783: NIM: APP: BUG: Identities without identity cred...
- #2114: Bullet Proof Web Hosting & Server
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