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- #2740: No prototypes for profile_lock_global and profi...
- #6899: kadmind frees invalid pointer [MITKRB5-SA-2011-...
- #7637: Fix kpasswd UDP ping-pong [CVE-2002-2443]
- #2978: Rolex for $249.99
- #8244: SPNEGO and IAKERB context aliasing bugs [CVE-20...
- #7717: Fix KDC lock persistence on error conditions
- #8395: Fetching master key list crashes if K/M has no...
- #6953: Add the DIR ccache type
- #227: gssrpc address code broken on BSD 4.4
- #8906: KDC can select local TGT key of unsupported enc...
- #4972: return edata from non-PA_REQUIRED preauth types
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