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- #8364: Add get_principal_keys RPC to kadmin
- #3112: telnet does not build on Fedora Core 4
- #8579: duplicate caching of some cross-realm TGTs
- #6640: Make history key exempt from permitted_enctypes
- #6755: Add GIC option for password/account expiration...
- #7112: KRB5_TRACE is broken in trunk
- #1813: test567890 B34567890 C34567890 D34567890 E34567...
- #2874: locking bug in file ccache
- #5858: KFW: BUG: KRB5CRED: Set identity data before se...
- #323: krb5-send-pr test for mailer fails for unreadab...
- #5613: NIM GUI: views jump around on the screen
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