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- #368: The V4 telnetd code checks for /etc/srvtab - it...
- #2361: ³É±¾¿ØÖÆ
- #7121: password argument to krb5_get_init_creds_passwo...
- #7778: Remove dangling --with-kdc-kdb-update references
- #6706: Re: Small kdc/kdc_preauth.c mods for your consi...
- #8320: Fix error mappings for IOV MIC mechglue funcs
- #222: make distclean leaves config.status and Makefile
- #4942: skip all modules in plugin if init function fails
- #6252: krb5_build_principal_va does not allocate krb5_...
- #7849: kdc.conf(5) - 1.11 / 1.12 - inaccurate re. ipro...
- #9011: Fix some principal realm canonicalization cases
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