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- #319: Extraneous format controls interfere with build...
- #7919: LDAP key data encoder/decoder does not treat Kr...
- #7121: password argument to krb5_get_init_creds_passwo...
- #6239: Apple patch: kinit background renewal job
- #1471: mk_rep should allow for subkey generation
- #4139: NetIDMgr issues in 3.1B1
- #6765: Password quality pluggable interface
- #1054: GSSAPI should encrypt krb_cred for rc4
- #9107: In PKINIT, check for null PKCS7 enveloped fields
- #5756: NIM: BUG: SRC: Windows\Identity Makefile "clean...
- #1384: case with no branches breaks configure scripts
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