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- #2353: Missing prototype for gss_krb5int_unseal_token_v3
- #6550: old_stash_bendian is a keytab
- #5537: only check current dir for a.tmp
- #5513: (krb5-1.5.x) MITKRB5-SA-2007-002: buffer overfl...
- #5671: cleanup src/lib/gssapi/krb5/error_map.h on Windows
- #8343: Fix leaks in kadmin server stubs [CVE-2015-8631]
- #7939: kadm5.acl docs wrongly imply that list permissi...
- #5905: cc_remove_cred should only remove one cred
- #7090: krb5_gss_get_name_attribute minor cleanup issue
- #6490: Windows interop with RC4 TGS-REQ subkeys
- #8305: Fix uncommon null dereference in PKINIT client
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