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- #2893: Irix k5_os_mutex_lock calls k5_pthread_mutex_lo...
- #8811: In klist, display ticket server if different
- #2802: Fix Makefile generation for kcpytkt and kdeltkt
- #276: util/pty/update_utmp.c
- #2955: Provide a means for disabling the use of Revers...
- #343: Re: bug in telnet client?
- #2839: compilation error on AIX 5.1 and gcc 3.4.4
- #2291: watches , FREE shipping
- #6949: TCP connection leak with 1.9.1, with connect_to...
- #3025: kerberos compilation fails on AIX 5.1 system wi...
- #6243: Apple patch: fix leaks in KDC announcement mods
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