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- #6467: new copy_data_contents variant that null-termin...
- #6488: NFS fails to work with KRB5 1.7
- #5625: KRB5_CALLCONV must be specified inside parens
- #751: Compiler warnings building krb5-1.0.6
- #89: dump/load inter-version inconsistencies
- #1302: CVS commit handler doesn't include tags
- #1715: Do not install kadmin4 or v5passwdd on Mac OS X
- #6317: select(2) if no fds < FD_SETSIZE are available.
- #8148: Parse "ktadd -norandkey" in remote kadmin client
- #9139: Block library unloading to avoid finalizer races
- #5482: test commit handler
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