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- #6532: (1.7.x) include win-mac.h in gssftp/ftp/cmds.c...
- #4435: Vista x86 client cross-realm interop with MIT KDCs
- #5594: Work on compiling CCAPI test suite on Windows
- #7161: Minor memory leak in default_an_to_ln on error
- #1343: disable krb4 by default
- #6712: Add IAKERB mechanism and gss_acquire_cred_with_...
- #5982: cci_credentials_iterator_release using wrong me...
- #660: windows vardlg (new creds "prompter") doesn't s...
- #2916: dynamic library init/fini breakage in 1.4
- #8958: Impersonating oneself (with S4U2Self) yields a...
- #3633: Ãкº¡Ò÷ӸØáԨã¹Í¹Ò¤µ ·Ó·ÕèºéÒ¹·Óä´é·ÑèÇâÅ¡ ¼è...
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