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- #2408: Fwd:New, Just For Men!.....sweetening
- #1192: Document krb524d afs_krb5
- #5950: int/long pointer type error in g_tkt_svc.c
- #3445: args to ctype.h macros should be cast to unsign...
- #6741: bug report: "too many SRV records" becomes "no...
- #7246: MSVC-generated updates to support ribbon UI
- #590: des_read_pw_string() is not backward-compatible
- #2368: US hot stock highlights gbfyq
- #7916: pkinit doesn't handle slotid parameter properly
- #4799: krb5_c_keylength -> krb5_c_keylengths; add krb5...
- #8504: Properly handle EOF condition on libkrad sockets
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