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- #7809: klist displays bad error for nonexistent KEYRIN...
- #6704: Small kdc/kdc_preauth.c mods for your considera...
- #2708: KFW: Detect and uninstall MSI installations fro...
- #2233: Fix target libpath for KRB5_KFW_BUILD (Pismere)...
- #7476: updated manual page for kvno
- #570: Bug in krb5 compilation
- #27: krb524d should backgroun itself
- #8334: Check context handle in gss_export_sec_context()
- #3091: add krb5_cc_new_unique()
- #7622: KDC TGS-REQ null deref [CVE-2013-1416]
- #7266: Combine username and realm in get tickets dialog
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