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- #4047: Why be an average guy any longer
- #5731: NIM: BUG: APP: Importing Menu Items and Toolbar...
- #1474: Cleanup memory in asn.1 testsuite to allow for...
- #7195: kill off last users of WRFILE kt_ops
- #7152: Null pointer deref in kadmind [CVE-2012-1013]
- #8941: get_credentials KRB5_GC_CANONICALIZE behavior i...
- #3183: minor_status not cleared sometimes (gsstest nits)
- #3708: FROM MR.KHAN
- #3205: AS_REP padata has wrong enctype
- #7171: Multiple GSSAPI krb5 mechanism variants cause r...
- #7780: Correct kadm5.acl back-reference documentation
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