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- #3607: clients/ksu/setenv.c doesn't build on Solaris
- #8194: requires_preauth bypass in PKINIT-enabled KDC [...
- #3216: kdb5_util man page says dbname is required for...
- #797: request for a customer id
- #6844: Memory leak in save_error_string_nocopy()
- #3521: Add configurable Build value to File and Produc...
- #83: gssapi.h will not work outside of build tree
- #4454: krb5-1.6-pre: kdb5_ldap_util stashsrvpw does no...
- #7853: Check for unstable ulog in ulog_get_entries
- #1613: kadmin truncates long date strings
- #555: telnetd segv's if /etc/krb5.conf doesn't exist
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