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- #7307: Update kfw installer OS version checks
- #8718: krb5_get_credentials incorrectly matches user t...
- #3038: ccache accessibility confined to one login session
- #5960: Move KIM implementation to the krb5 repository
- #4850: ¼ÍÁ¶ÒÇà ¼ÍÁ¶ÒÇà ¼ÍÁ¶ÒÇà ÃѺÃͧ¼ÅÅѾ·ì äÁè¡ÅѺÁÒ...
- #5807: can't store delegated krb5 creds when using spnego
- #1009: kadmin_parse_name() loops forever with, e.g., '...
- #7554: Documentation__Encryption types
- #8687: Repeated lookups of local computer name on Windows
- #209: missing keytab causes klogind hang
- #1680: please reply
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