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- #6096: Reduce warnings
- #5794: NIM: BUG: APP: Change View->Choose Columns to V...
- #6474: move kadmin, ktutil, k5srvutil man pages to man1
- #8741: S4U2Self client code fails with no default realm
- #7687: Add hostrealm pluggable interface definition
- #881: gss-client on 1.1 doesn't talk to gss-server on...
- #8926: Allow gss_unwrap_iov() of unpadded RC4 tokens
- #7526: "Invalid argument" error for nonexistent KDC ho...
- #8274: LDAP KDB module hardcodes 10-second connection...
- #9121: Don't flush libkrb5 context profiles
- #7563: kdb5_util load of -b6 or -old DB formats fails
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