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- #5763: NIM: BUG: khm_krb5_initialize() failed to retur...
- #7306: Call CWinAppEx::InitInstance()
- #3045: In our site you can get cheep mads incaution
- #29: randkey_principal tests failing on alpha
- #606: kinit, kdestroy occasionally hang on 2-cpu WinNT4
- #6300: krb5_get_init_creds_password hangs as DNS time-...
- #2854: Memory leaks in ccache due to thread integration
- #6309: update ldap plugin Makefile for krb4 removal
- #1889: Use this patch immediately !
- #1979: initial sequence number mask short by 4 bits
- #898: Cannot find KDC for requested realm while getti...
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