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- #1258: Segmentation Fault at prof_tree.c:502 on Solaris
- #9133: Add acceptor-side IAKERB realm discovery
- #7159: Fail from gss_acquire_cred if we have no keytab
- #8810: Fix Python fallback in configure.ac
- #1043: telnetd build fails on AIX
- #5795: NIM: BUG: APP: store credential type in the cor...
- #5719: NIM: FEATURE: APP: Add View->All Identities
- #8072: Avoid uninitialized data in t_prf.c
- #7603: Allow numeric addresses as service hostnames
- #7561: kprop doesn't work with RC4 session key
- #4441: CASINOS Beginners
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