Hi Gregg and Jeff: Sorry about the delay in response, but I was out of the office for the holidays. Here are a few more pieces of information: 1) I agree that something is causing Lease to crash on startup. 2) I don't see ANY DLLs with kfw anywhere in the file name. I have checked for multiple copies of the various files associated with Kerberos and found none in any directory. Likewise, the only DLL in my system32 directory that I know is associated with Kerberos is kerberos.dll, but this is a Microsoft file (version 5.1.2600.2180). 3) I can run "klist -c MSLSA:" from the command line and I get the following results: Ticket cache: MSLSA: Default principal: jwh@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU Valid starting Expires Service principal 01/07/05 19:02:33 01/08/05 04:47:31 krbtgt/AD.SEI.CMU.EDU@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:31 01/08/05 04:47:31 krbtgt/AD.SEI.CMU.EDU@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:38 01/08/05 04:47:31 cifs/ns01.sei.cmu.edu@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:38 01/08/05 04:47:31 cifs/NS00@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:36 01/08/05 04:47:31 cifs/RUBY@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:35 01/08/05 04:47:31 cifs/NS04@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:33 01/08/05 04:47:31 cifs/ruby.ad.sei.cmu.edu@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:33 01/08/05 04:47:31 ldap/ruby.ad.sei.cmu.edu/ad.sei.cmu.edu@AD .SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:33 01/08/05 04:47:31 LDAP/ruby.ad.sei.cmu.edu@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 01/07/05 18:47:31 01/08/05 04:47:31 host/pcakd.sei.cmu.edu@AD.SEI.CMU.EDU renew until 01/14/05 18:47:31 You will notice that none of the service principals are associated with the andrew.cmu.edu domain, but rather all are part of our (sei.cmu.edu) domain. This output is AFTER running "kinit jh6b" and successfully obtaining a ticket manually (i.e. NOT through the Lease Ticket Manager). Likewise, I can run "klist" to produce the following: Ticket cache: API:krb5cc Default principal: jh6b@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Valid starting Expires Service principal 01/07/05 19:00:34 01/08/05 05:00:34 krbtgt/ANDREW.CMU.EDU@ANDREW.CMU.EDU 01/07/05 19:00:53 01/08/05 05:00:34 uniengd/calsched3.andrew.cmu.edu@ANDREW.CM U.EDU Kerberos 4 ticket cache: API:krb4cc Principal: jh6b@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Issued Expires Principal 01/07/05 19:00:34 01/08/05 05:00:34 krbtgt.ANDREW.CMU.EDU@ANDREW.CMU.EDU So it is clear that a ticket exists and I am able to successfully launch Oracle Calendar once I have manually obtained a ticket. However, I am still unable to launch Lease Ticket Manager to view my ticket(s) or to obtain a ticket. It continues to open and close immediately when launched. Thus, I'm not sure what any of this means. I hope that this information helps. Please let me know what else I can try or look for on my systems. Thanks! -Jay