The GSS_C_NT_xxxxx symbols are marked as GSS_DLLIMP but are never exported from the DLL in the GSSAPI32.DEF file. Here is a patch to correct the oversight. It would be nice to be able to slipstream this into the KfW 2.5 release. Index: gssapi32.def =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/krbdev/krb5/src/lib/gssapi32.def,v retrieving revision 1.9 diff -c -w -r1.9 gssapi32.def *** gssapi32.def 2001/07/28 00:16:51 1.9 --- gssapi32.def 2003/07/16 12:36:02 *************** *** 76,78 **** --- 76,86 ---- gss_nt_machine_uid_name DATA gss_nt_string_uid_name DATA gss_nt_service_name DATA + GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME DATA + GSS_C_NT_MACHINE_UID_NAME DATA + GSS_C_NT_STRING_UID_NAME DATA + GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE DATA + GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE_X DATA + GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS DATA + GSS_C_NT_EXPORT_NAME DATA +