pull up r24465 from trunk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r24465 | hartmans | 2010-10-19 15:50:37 -0400 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 19 lines ticket: 6805 subject: securID code fixes target_version: 1.9 tags: pullup Fixes to get securID preauth plugin working. A separate patch will address error handling and build issues. * Permit a preauth plugin to return KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED from the verify entry point. * If verify_securid2 fails, save the return value and return that rather than success after dealing with encoding the out_edata * Use the client key not the securid principal key for the sam checksum * indicate that securID is hardware authentication https://github.com/krb5/krb5/commit/24072370a2fcaa86e28eb5508144318071f7225b Commit By: tlyu Revision: 24492 Changed Files: U branches/krb5-1-9/src/kdc/kdc_preauth.c U branches/krb5-1-9/src/plugins/preauth/securid_sam2/extern.h U branches/krb5-1-9/src/plugins/preauth/securid_sam2/securid2.c U branches/krb5-1-9/src/plugins/preauth/securid_sam2/securid_sam2_main.c