From Tue Mar 30 15:48:22 1999 Received: from MIT.EDU (SOUTH-STATION-ANNEX.MIT.EDU []) by rt-11.MIT.EDU (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id PAA14469 for ; Tue, 30 Mar 1999 15:48:08 -0500 Received: from FNORD.IR.BBN.COM by MIT.EDU with SMTP id AA21724; Tue, 30 Mar 99 15:47:56 EST Received: (qmail 19849 invoked by uid 10853); 30 Mar 1999 20:48:06 -0000 Message-Id: <> Date: 30 Mar 1999 20:48:06 -0000 From: Reply-To: To: krb5-bugs@MIT.EDU Subject: Makefiles call autoconf with sh, which loses on FreeBSD X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.99 >Number: 707 >Category: krb5-build >Synopsis: Makefiles call autoconf with sh, which loses on FreeBSD >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible: tlyu >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: unknown >Arrival-Date: Tue Mar 30 15:49:00 EST 1999 >Last-Modified: Fri Apr 02 11:02:01 EST 1999 >Originator: Greg Troxel >Organization: Greg Troxel >Release: krb5-current-19990322 >Environment: System: FreeBSD 2.2.6-RELEASE FreeBSD 2.2.6-RELEASE #0: Mon Mar 29 07:55:55 EST 1999 i386 >Description: When compiling this snapshot after it had been checked in to cvs and checked out, the Makefile in appl/telnet/libtelnet tried to rebuild Makefile, which caused it to try to run autoconf. The rule in does (after expansion) '/bin/sh autoconf', and FreeBSD sh does not search the path for scripts given on the command line. It's wrong to assume that autoconf is a sh script anyway; it should just be executed. >How-To-Repeat: On a FreeBSD system, cd to src/appl/telnet/libtelnet, and 'touch'. Run 'gmake'. >Fix: >Audit-Trail: From: tytso@MIT.EDU To: Cc: krb5-bugs@MIT.EDU, tlyu@MIT.EDU, gnats-admin@RT-11.MIT.EDU, krb5-prs@RT-11.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: krb5-build/707: Makefiles call autoconf with sh, which loses on FreeBSD Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 11:01:52 -0500 Hi Greg, Oops. This happened beacase you were using the system autoconf instead of the built-in autoconf in the krb5 tree. Normally $(AUTOCONF) is a path to built-in autoconf, so what you get is "/bin/sh ../../src/util/autoconf/autoconf". Note that we do have some bug fixes beyond what's in 2.12, which I *think* are into 2.13, but I need to check to make sure. So just as a warning, if you're system autoconf is the stock 2.12 from the FSF, you may run into some problems. (Something we need to do is to try moving autoconf 2.13 into our tree, and then change the AC_PREREQ to be 2.13). I've made the fix into config.pre. Thanks!! - Ted >Unformatted: >How-To-Fix: Index: src/config/ =================================================================== RCS file: /IR-CVS/krb5/src/config/,v retrieving revision diff -u -r1.1.1.1 --- 1999/03/22 14:38:12 +++ 1999/03/30 20:43:58 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ $(srcdir)/$(thisconfigdir)/configure: $(srcdir)/$(thisconfigdir)/ \ $(SRCTOP)/aclocal.m4 cd $(srcdir)/$(thisconfigdir) && \ - $(SHELL) $(AUTOCONF) --localdir=$(CONFIG_RELTOPDIR) \ + $(AUTOCONF) --localdir=$(CONFIG_RELTOPDIR) \ --macrodir=$(CONFIG_RELTOPDIR)/util/autoconf all-recurse clean-recurse distclean-recurse install-recurse check-recurse Makefiles-recurse: