From Mon Dec 23 17:15:49 1996 Received: from MIT.EDU (PACIFIC-CARRIER-ANNEX.MIT.EDU []) by rt-11.MIT.EDU (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id RAA00437 for ; Mon, 23 Dec 1996 17:15:48 -0500 Received: from by MIT.EDU with SMTP id AA08030; Mon, 23 Dec 96 17:15:47 EST Received: (from ppomes@localhost) by (8.8.4/8.8.4) id OAA01677; Mon, 23 Dec 1996 14:15:44 -0800 (PST) Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 14:15:44 -0800 (PST) From: Paul Pomes Reply-To: To: krb5-bugs@MIT.EDU Subject: problem locating krb5-send-pr man page X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.99 >Number: 321 >Category: krb5-doc >Synopsis: Internal names in src/util/send-pr/send-pr.1 don't match install name. >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: medium >Responsible: krb5-unassigned >State: closed >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: unknown >Arrival-Date: Mon Dec 23 17:16:00 EST 1996 >Last-Modified: Wed Mar 19 21:24:13 EST 1997 >Originator: Paul Pomes >Organization: QUALCOMM, Inc. 6455 Lusk Blvd San Diego, CA 92121-2779 >Release: 1.0 >Environment: Sparc-20, Solaris 2.4 System: SunOS zelkova 5.4 Generic_101945-27 sun4m sparc >Description: The krb5-send-pr man page uses the name send-pr internally. When the apropos index file is built using catman -w, the man page file name is listed as send-pr.1 which doesn't exist. >How-To-Repeat: Install krb5-1.0 on a solaris system. Assume the install directory is /opt/krb5. Add /opt/krb5/man to MANPATH. Do "man krb5-send-pr". The system will respond with a not found message. >Fix: Change the relevant instances of "send-pr" in src/util/send-pr/send-pr.1 to be "krb5-send-pr". *** send-pr.1 1996/12/23 22:06:16 1.1 --- send-pr.1 1996/12/23 22:07:23 *************** *** 22,32 **** .\" .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .nh ! .TH SEND-PR 1 3.99 "February 1993" .SH NAME ! send-pr \- send problem report (PR) to a central support site .SH SYNOPSIS ! .B send-pr [ .I site ] --- 22,32 ---- .\" .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .nh ! .TH KRB5-SEND-PR 1 3.99 "February 1993" .SH NAME ! krb5-send-pr \- send problem report (PR) to a central support site .SH SYNOPSIS ! .B krb5-send-pr [ .I site ] *************** *** 62,68 **** .B \-V ] .SH DESCRIPTION ! .B send-pr is a tool used to submit .I problem reports .\" SITE ADMINISTRATORS - change this if you use a local default --- 62,68 ---- .B \-V ] .SH DESCRIPTION ! .B krb5-send-pr is a tool used to submit .I problem reports .\" SITE ADMINISTRATORS - change this if you use a local default *************** *** 75,85 **** values are defined by using the .BR aliases (5). .LP ! .B send-pr invokes an editor on a problem report template (after trying to fill in some fields with reasonable default values). When you exit the editor, ! .B send-pr sends the completed form to the .I Problem Report Management System (\fBGNATS\fR) at a central support site. At the support site, the PR --- 75,85 ---- values are defined by using the .BR aliases (5). .LP ! .B krb5-send-pr invokes an editor on a problem report template (after trying to fill in some fields with reasonable default values). When you exit the editor, ! .B krb5-send-pr sends the completed form to the .I Problem Report Management System (\fBGNATS\fR) at a central support site. At the support site, the PR *************** *** 91,108 **** To ensure that a PR is handled promptly, it should contain your (unique) \fIsubmitter-id\fR and one of the available \fIcategories\fR to identify the problem area. (Use ! .B `send-pr -L' to see a list of categories.) .LP The ! .B send-pr template at your site should already be customized with your submitter-id (running `\|\fBinstall-sid\fP \fIsubmitter-id\fP\|' to accomplish this is part of the installation procedures for ! .BR send-pr ). If this hasn't been done, see your system administrator for your submitter-id, or request one from your support site by invoking ! .B `send-pr \-\-request\-id'. If your site does not distinguish between different user sites, or if you are not affiliated with the support site, use .B `net' --- 91,108 ---- To ensure that a PR is handled promptly, it should contain your (unique) \fIsubmitter-id\fR and one of the available \fIcategories\fR to identify the problem area. (Use ! .B `krb5-send-pr -L' to see a list of categories.) .LP The ! .B krb5-send-pr template at your site should already be customized with your submitter-id (running `\|\fBinstall-sid\fP \fIsubmitter-id\fP\|' to accomplish this is part of the installation procedures for ! .BR krb5-send-pr ). If this hasn't been done, see your system administrator for your submitter-id, or request one from your support site by invoking ! .B `krb5-send-pr \-\-request\-id'. If your site does not distinguish between different user sites, or if you are not affiliated with the support site, use .B `net' *************** *** 115,128 **** .BI \-f " problem-report" specify a file (\fIproblem-report\fR) which already contains a complete problem report. ! .B send-pr sends the contents of the file without invoking the editor. If the value for .I problem-report is .BR `\|\-\|' , then ! .B send-pr reads from standard input. .TP .BI \-s " severity" --- 115,128 ---- .BI \-f " problem-report" specify a file (\fIproblem-report\fR) which already contains a complete problem report. ! .B krb5-send-pr sends the contents of the file without invoking the editor. If the value for .I problem-report is .BR `\|\-\|' , then ! .B krb5-send-pr reads from standard input. .TP .BI \-s " severity" *************** *** 171,184 **** .TP .B \-V Display the ! .B send-pr version number. .LP Note: use ! .B send-pr to submit problem reports rather than mailing them directly. Using both the template and ! .B send-pr itself will help ensure all necessary information will reach the support site. .SH ENVIRONMENT --- 171,184 ---- .TP .B \-V Display the ! .B krb5-send-pr version number. .LP Note: use ! .B krb5-send-pr to submit problem reports rather than mailing them directly. Using both the template and ! .B krb5-send-pr itself will help ensure all necessary information will reach the support site. .SH ENVIRONMENT >Audit-Trail: State-Changed-From-To: open-closed State-Changed-By: tlyu State-Changed-When: Wed Mar 19 21:23:39 1997 State-Changed-Why: This is really an apsect of the same bug as krb5-doc/355; followups should go there. >Unformatted: