Disable principal renames for LDAP The current principal rename procedure does not work with the LDAP KDB module, instead having the effect of deleting the principal. The fix is not easy and requires amending the DAL (see issue #8065). For now, detect LDAP and error out when a rename operation is attempted. (cherry picked from commit 8483243664a289fea142d8a9de61eba30d713871) https://github.com/krb5/krb5/commit/338cf20b3df6d30a8fe4c4d8c8e3b718edbf35a4 Author: Greg Hudson Committer: Tom Yu Commit: 338cf20b3df6d30a8fe4c4d8c8e3b718edbf35a4 Branch: krb5-1.13 src/lib/kadm5/srv/svr_principal.c | 13 +++++++++++++ 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)