pull up r18336 from trunk r18336@cathode-dark-space: jaltman | 2006-07-18 15:29:32 -0400 ticket: new subject: Windows: NSIS updates for 2.18 release This commit corrects errors in the NSIS installer scripts that prevent installer builds using NSIS 2.18. Commit By: tlyu Revision: 18368 Changed Files: _U branches/krb5-1-4/ U branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/nsis/licenses.rtf U branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/nsis/nsi-includes.nsi U branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/nsis/site-local.nsi U branches/krb5-1-4/src/windows/installer/nsis/utils.nsi