What went wrong? When building python-gssapi ist stops with "gssapi/raw/ext_cred_store.c:1333:8: error: unknown type name ‘gss_key_value_set_desc’" How do we reproduce? $ cd /usr/src/gssapi-1.6.5 $ python3 -mvenv buildenv $ source buildenv/bin/activate $ mkdir wheels $ export PATH=$PATH:$(dirname $(locate -r "krb5-config$")) $ pip install -U pip wheel setuptools $ pip wheel -w wheels/ pip wheel setuptools $ pip wheel -w wheels/ pip wheel gssapi Component versions (python-gssapi, Kerberos, OS / distro, etc.) python-gssapi: 1.6.5 OS: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 $ krb5-config --all Version: Kerberos 5 release 1.16.3 Vendor: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Prefix: /usr/lib/mit Exec_prefix: /usr/lib/mit Reason: I found out that in setup.py, between line 103 and 114, tries to detect the location of 'gssapi_ext.h', by executing 'krb5-config gssapi --prefix' and adding 'include/gssapi/gssapi_ext.h' to that prefix. On SLES 15.1 (and other SUSE distributions I assume) the location of the include files for gssapi are within the regular include path ('/usr/include'). So the full path for the header file is '/usr/include/gssapi/gssapi_ext.h' and not '/usr/lib/mit/include/gssapi/gssapi_ext.h' as expected by 'setup.py' For the time being krb5-config --all should report the following on SUSE: $ krb5-config --all Version: Kerberos 5 release 1.16.3 Vendor: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Prefix: /usr Exec_prefix: /usr/lib/mit as ./bin, ./sbin and ./share (which is actually an empty directory) are located beneath /usr/lib/mit. Ideally the output of krb5-config should look the following way in future: $ krb5-config --all Version: Kerberos 5 release 1.16.3 Vendor: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Prefix: /usr Exec_prefix: /usr/lib/mit Includedir: /usr/include Libdir: /usr/lib Looking into the krb5-config script shows the following values: ... prefix=/usr/lib/mit exec_prefix=${prefix} includedir=/usr/include libdir=/usr/lib ... Best regards Roland