Content-Type: text/plain Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.420 (Entity 5.420) From: Subject: SVN Commit RT-Send-CC: X-RT-Original-Encoding: iso-8859-1 Content-Length: 1135 pull up r19856 from trunk r19856@cathode-dark-space: jaltman | 2007-08-24 10:29:37 -0400 ticket: new subject: NIM: Context menu selection issues component: windows The handler for WM_CONTEXTMENU in the credentials view of Network Identity Manager assumed that the context menu was invoked using the mouse. If it was, then the message parameters would specify the x and y co-ordinates of the mouse. The context menu can also be invoked via the keyboard, in which case the x- and y- coordinates are set to (-1,-1). An additional problem with the code is that it was not selecting the row that was right-clicked on if it was not already selected. This results in the some of the commands on the context menu targetting credentials that the user didn't intend to target. This patch adds support for handling the context menu when it is invoked via the keyboard and also sets the selection to the row that was right-clicked if the user invokes the context menu using the mouse. Commit By: tlyu Revision: 19991 Changed Files: _U branches/krb5-1-6/ U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/identity/ui/credwnd.c