Content-Type: text/plain Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary X-RT-Original-Encoding: iso-8859-1 Content-Length: 1162 I'm running krb5 1.4.1 on AIX -- The problem is due to the use of res_ninit() in krb5int_dns_init() in dnsglue.c. I'm not very familiar with the usage of res_ninit(), but debugging the code seems to shows that whenever res_ninit(&statbuf) is called, the stack seems to get corrupted and the core dump with illegal instruction happens soon afterwards. I don't know what the proper way to call res_ninit() is -- I can only assume that it works on other platforms, nor do I have AIX source code to dig into to see what actually is happening, but a reading of the kerberos source doesn't suggest anything obvious is wrong. I've also tried initializing statbuf to various assorted values to no avail. I reading of the AIX man page for res_ninit() seems to suggest the parameter to res_ninit() should be &_res (_res is #defined to a function in the system resolver library when _REENTRANT). Switching statbuf to _res, and lo, kerberos no longer crashes. The attached patch does just this. Of course, one could also #undef HAVE_RES_NSEARCH and have it work, but I wasn't sure if res_search() in AIX was thread-safe. -- Jonathan Chen