Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3p2) with ESMTP id SAA16746; Wed, 6 Sep 2006 18:16:42 -0400 (EDT) Received: from [] ( []) (user=jaltman mech=PLAIN bits=0) by (8.13.7/8.13.6) with ESMTP id k86MGgKl016693 (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=NOT) for ; Wed, 6 Sep 2006 18:16:42 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 18:18:50 -0400 From: Jeffrey Altman User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: Re: [ #4222] GSSAPI context being destroyed when ticket cache renewed References: In-Reply-To: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-No-Spam-Score: Local X-Scanned-BY: MIMEDefang 2.48 on RT-Send-Cc: X-RT-Original-Encoding: iso-8859-1 Content-Length: 385 Quanah Gibson-Mount via RT wrote: > I can get in contact with the user who reported the issue, and see what > additional data they can gather, if you like. We need to know exactly what is wrong if we are going to have a chance of improving the behavior. I don't see any place in the code that the credential cache would be examined once the context is established. Jeffrey Altman