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- #2564: Use compile-time checks to detect endianness wh...
- #1984: join the many Americans enlarging their penises...
- #6287: don't call dispatch_main in lib
- #7159: Fail from gss_acquire_cred if we have no keytab
- #9120: profile final flag limitations
- #2321: VIRUS ( is a security risk or a "backdoor" pr...
- #5279: Document what the kadmind ACL is for
- #3463: ÆóÒµ¾ºÕùÇ鱨Ìåϵ¹¹½¨ôß¾ºÕù¶ÔÊÖÇ鱨·ÖÎö
- #5789: NIM: documentation updates for KFW 3.2.2
- #5009: kadmin.local with LDAP backend fails to start w...
- #185: krb5.conf, kdc.conf, and --prefix
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