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- #399: code in krb5-1.0/src/appl/gssftp/ftp/cmds.c wil...
- #5922: (1.5.x) MITKRB5-SA-2008-001 kdc krb4 double-fre...
- #3946: implement symbol export restrictions for Solaris
- #5756: NIM: BUG: SRC: Windows\Identity Makefile "clean...
- #5014: kadmin (and other utilities) should report enct...
- #6599: memory leak in krb5_rd_req_decrypt_tkt_part
- #4404: Professional Drugs for Mens Health
- #144: Potential race in in_tkt in libkrb4 potentially...
- #513: ncurses doesn't have ttytype[], with patch
- #1033: krb5-1.2.1/src/appl/telnet/telnetd/utility.c
- #8696: Resource leak in krb5_425_conv_principal()
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