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- #5279: Document what the kadmind ACL is for
- #6029: kadmind leaks error strings on failures
- #478: HPUX shared libraries installed incorrectly
- #4300: WEDNESDAY.HBID. to firmly denounce
- #399: code in krb5-1.0/src/appl/gssftp/ftp/cmds.c wil...
- #1550: add kerberos-iv SRV support
- #7013: looping detected in init_creds_step_request()
- #7773: Clarify lockout replication issues in docs
- #454: telnetd causes terminal windows to hang
- #7041: Fix failure interval of 0 in LDAP lockout code
- #8913: Deleting master key principal entry shouldn't b...
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