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- #6562: kinit not working if kdc is configured with num...
- #8019: Provide UI to use enterprise principal names
- #8247: KADM5_MISSING_KRB5_CONF_PARAMS should say which...
- #1288: v4 ticket file format incompatibilities
- #2215: Leash tray widget does not update status with n...
- #1214: create_history_entry() attempts to use NULL key
- #7458: add more strftime format strings for klist
- #8040: memory leak in ccapiserver.exe
- #2624: MSLSA cache ignored when obtaining TGTs without...
- #6224: KerberosAgent 'no selection' placeholder in tic...
- #8188: kadmin get_policy should use strdur() for times
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