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- #8237: Heimdahl Kerberos on MacOSX 10.9.5 using pkinit...
- #1522: Populate etype_info_entry.s2kparams.data
- #6650: Handle migration from pre-1.7 databases with ma...
- #7532: Improve support for large kvnos
- #4950: gc_frm_kdc doesn't adjust use_conf_ktypes in re...
- #6568: Fix addprinc -randkey when policy requires mult...
- #4403: Daily Stock Barometer
- #2153: MSLSA ccache should not output TGTs with NULL s...
- #6656: krb5int_fast_free_state segfaults if state is null
- #7183: PKINIT should handle CMS SignedData without cer...
- #8190: modernize the windows build some more
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