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- #193: krb5-beta7: appl/bsd/login.c doesn't preserve T...
- #1363: ksu logs to stderr on Red Hat Linux
- #1463: Reorganize kdc_preauth enctype handling
- #7030: Ldap dependency for parallel builds
- #4312: KFW 3.1 Beta 2 NetIDMgr Changes
- #1481: [krbedv.mit.edu #1470] Actually this doesn't work
- #8630: Logging from KDC/kadmind plugin modules
- #3688: Added CoreFoundation bundle plugin support
- #1281: fakeka needs to be integrated into the distribu...
- #9116: Improve error message for DES kadmin/history key
- #6661: [RFE] properly support IPv6 in kpasswd
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