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- #7616: Fix no_host_referral concatention in KDC
- #7619: PKINIT null pointer deref [CVE-2013-1415]
- #7618: Minor pointer management patches
- #7010: Fix intermediate key length in hmac-md5 checksum
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- #4338: KfW 3.1 beta 2: Import Windows tickets only all...
- #4335: KfW 3.1 beta 2: Add/Remove identities doesn't w...
- #5494: Kfw 3.2 alpha and multiple krbcc32s processes f...
- #4337: Kfw: kinit doesn't accept windows path to keyta...
- #5446: KfW 3.1: stderr of kinit/klist/kdestroy cannot...
- #4336: KfW 3.1 beta 2: Add new identity should default...
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