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- #8458: Fix S4U2Self KDC crash when anon is restricted...
- #2128: Popup dialog displays version number of applica...
- #7970: NULL dereference in SPNEGO acceptor for continu...
- #6899: kadmind frees invalid pointer [MITKRB5-SA-2011-...
- #7527: PKINIT (draft9) null ptr deref [CVE-2012-1016]
- #8050: Fix krb5_read_message handling [CVE-2014-5355]
- #8863: krb5int_key_delete: Assertion `destructors_set[...
- #8244: SPNEGO and IAKERB context aliasing bugs [CVE-20...
- #7491: Make building docs easier in an unconfigured tree
- #8160: requires_preauth bypass in PKINIT-enabled KDC [...
- #8598: Preserve GSS context on init/accept failure
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