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>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Hornstein <> writes:
Let's see if we can open a few less bugs on this thread.
Copying krb5-bugs and not including a bug number in the subject opens a new bug.
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>> Well, there is a derive-key for rc4, but it only takes keyusage
>> as input, not a string.
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Ken> Hm, I think I'm confused. I see where the keyusage gets fed
Ken> into the algorithm in the Brezak draft, but what I don't see
Ken> is anything that looks like derive-key for rc4. Maybe we're
Ken> not talking about the same thing.
I'm pointing out that there is algorithm that uses the long-term key
and key usage to come up with an encryption key. It actually uses
long-term key, keyusage and data; this is against the intent of the
kcrypto draft but is allowed by the text.
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>> Defining dk interms of dr would work for rc4 if you had a
>> reasonable definition of dr, but you currently do not.
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Ken> Maybe I'm being dense again (and not knowing much about rc4,
Ken> other than glancing over the routines that implement it) but
Ken> would it be reasonable to pretend for the purposes of rc4 and
Ken> dr that the blocksize was equal to the keysize? I think that
Ken> would prevent the attack you described. Or just keep state
Ken> between calls to the encryption routine.
No, because since rc4 is a stream cipher you'll end up using the same
pseudo-random stream if I call dr with different constants. I.E. rc4
is a function that takes a key, some initial state, and a length and
returns that many bits of pseudorandom stream. I then xor that
against the data. The way the dr in the simplified profile is
definied, if I treat rc4 as a block cipher then I'll be xoring the
same output of rc4 against whatever constant I feed into dr. So the
output of two calls to dr with the same key is related in a rather
easy to detect manner.
Ideally you want dr to be a pseudo-random function.
As I mentioned, there is both md4 and the data-based-keying of rc4
without confounder as a potential candidate for dr. You could also
use the key that would be produced by the data-based keying as a
potential candidate for dr.