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Subject: capaths documentation insufficient
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 10:45:09 -0500 (EST)
From: hartmans@MIT.EDU (Sam Hartman)

Love complains that the capaths documentation is insufficient and that the code is unclear.
Subject: [ #1340]admin guide documents capaths
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 12:54:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Sam Hartman)

Hi. Looking at the section in the Kerberos admin guide titled
capaths, the documentation looks fairly clear to me.

It does seem a bit complicated though.
Subject: Re: [ #1340]admin guide documents capaths
From: Love <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 20:02:08 +0200

"Sam Hartman via RT" <> writes:

Show quoted text
> Hi. Looking at the section in the Kerberos admin guide titled
> capaths, the documentation looks fairly clear to me.
> It does seem a bit complicated though.

Its not clear to me. I had to read it several times before understanding
it, and I'm not sure I understand it yet.

Serveral people (more the 4) that use mit kerberors have not been able to
explain it to me. That, I think, shows that something is wrong with the

Subject: Re: [ #1340]admin guide documents capaths
From: Sam Hartman <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 14:05:33 -0400
Show quoted text
>>>>> "lha@stacken" == lha@stacken kth se via RT <> writes:

lha@stacken> Serveral people (more the 4) that use mit kerberors
lha@stacken> have not been able to explain it to me. That, I
lha@stacken> think, shows that something is wrong with the text.

Or that they had never read/looked at it.

If you can suggest specific improvements or questions that the text
does not answer, I'd be happy to consider such improvements/questions.
Subject: Re: [ #1340]admin guide documents capaths
From: Love <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 20:17:54 +0200

"Sam Hartman via RT" <> writes:

Show quoted text
>>>>>> "lha@stacken" == lha@stacken kth se via RT <> writes:
> lha@stacken> Serveral people (more the 4) that use mit kerberors
> lha@stacken> have not been able to explain it to me. That, I
> lha@stacken> think, shows that something is wrong with the text.
> Or that they had never read/looked at it.
> If you can suggest specific improvements or questions that the text
> does not answer, I'd be happy to consider such improvements/questions.

I just don't understand the text, I had to use the sourcecode to understand
it. An example how the transtiotion from on realm to another is acomplised
might help.

Subject: Re: [ #1340]admin guide documents capaths
From: Tom Yu <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 20:14:44 -0400
Show quoted text
>>>>> "lha" == lha@stacken kth se via RT <> writes:

Show quoted text
lha> I just don't understand the text, I had to use the sourcecode to
lha> understand it. An example how the transtiotion from on realm to
lha> another is acomplised might help.

The documentation for capaths assumes an understanding of single-hop
cross-realm authentication, which wasn't documented in the
documentation of the 1.2.x releases. Which release's documentation
were you looking at? If you have not yet looked at the 1.3-beta2
documentation, please do so and let us know if it explains things any
