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From: "Davy Crockett" <>
To: <>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 21:50:50 -0500
Subject: Please help with building of KRB5 on Windows XP machine
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Hello.  I am trying to build KRB5 on a Windows XP machine with the latest Microsoft SDK installed, Microsoft C++ 6.0,

and the sed, gawk (renamed to awk), cat, and cp gnu UNIX utilities.  However, I keep getting compile errors.


First, I executed the following commands successfully:


Setenv /2000 /DEBUG

Nmake –f prep-windows


However, when I run the nmake command as the next step, I get the following errors:


Making in util

            cd util

            NMAKE -                 

Making in util\windows

            cd windows

            NMAKE -                 

Making in util\et

            cd ..\et

            NMAKE -                 

Making in util\profile

            cd ..\profile

            NMAKE -                 

            cd ..

Making in include

            cd ..\include

            NMAKE -                 

Making in include\krb5

            cd krb5

            NMAKE -                 

            cd ..

Making in lib

            cd ..\lib

            NMAKE -                 

Making in lib\crypto

            cd crypto

            NMAKE -                  

            cd crc32

Making in crypto\crc32

            NMAKE -                 

            cl    -I.\..\..\..\include -I.\..\..\..\include\krb5  -DKRB5_PRIVATE=1 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DKRB5_DEPRECATED=1  /Od /ZI /MDd -nologo /W3 -Fdobj\i386\dbg\\ -FD  -Foobj\i386\dbg\\ -c ...


c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(516) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(516) : error C2081: 'socklen_t' : name in formal parameter list illegal

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(516) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(516) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(516) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1700) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1700) : error C2081: 'socklen_t' : name in formal parameter list illegal

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1700) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1700) : error C2059: syntax error : '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1700) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1720) : error C2372: 'krb5_ser_pack_int64' : redefinition; different types of indirection

        c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1597) : see declaration of 'krb5_ser_pack_int64'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1722) : error C2372: 'krb5_ser_unpack_int64' : redefinition; different types of indirection

        c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1599) : see declaration of 'krb5_ser_unpack_int64'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1723) : error C2059: syntax error : '}'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1730) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1730) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1730) : error C2059: syntax error : ','

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1730) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1753) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1753) : error C2081: 'socklen_t' : name in formal parameter list illegal

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1753) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before '*'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1753) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1753) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'

c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1888) : error C2372: 'krb5int_c_mandatory_cksumtype' : redefinition; different types of indirection

        c:\kfw\src\athena\auth\krb5\src\include\k5-int.h(1717) : see declaration of 'krb5int_c_mandatory_cksumtype'


This is followed by nmake returning an error code similar to ‘0x2’.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I really need a Kerberos Server to run off of a windows xp machine to increase security of an ftp server that supports gss.  Thanks.


Davy Southern Boy

John 3:16

For God So Loved the World,

He gave his only begotten son.

So, that whosoever believes in him

Should not perish, but have everlasting life.


First, please specify by version number the Kerberos you are attempting
to compile.

Second, please indicate whether you are attempting to build KFW or
Kerberos 5 stand alone.

Third, please specify the exact version of the Microsoft SDK you are
using. (You must use the XP SP2 SDK and no other.)

Note 1: VC++6.0 is not supported for building applications with the XP
SP2 SDK. Visual Studio .NET 2003 is strongly recommended.

Note 2: By Kerberos Server do you mean a KDC? If so, be aware that the
Windows platform is only supported for client and application servers
such as an FTP server. It does not provide a KDC or administrative

Last but not least, is there a reason you cannot use the pre-built
binaries distributed by MIT?

Jeffrey Altman
closing ticket due to lack of response