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Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 16:29:52 -0600 (CST)
From: Mike Dopheide <>
Subject: identity configuration

Version: 3.1.0-beta-2

I'm seeing an issue where I can't save changes to the Kerberos5 or
Kerberos4 settings in my identity configuration. The General tab does
register changes.

Let me know if you can't reproduce that problem.

Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 12:35:34 -0600 (CST)
From: Mike Dopheide <>
To: kfw <>
Subject: Re: [ #4599] 3.1 beta 3 update

This bug still exists in the just released 3.1 beta 3.


Show quoted text
> Greetings,
> This message has been automatically generated in response to the
> creation of a trouble ticket regarding:
> "identity configuration",
> a summary of which appears below.
> There is no need to reply to this message right now. Your ticket has been
> assigned an ID of [ #4599].
> Please include the string:
> [ #4599]
> in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. To do so,
> you may reply to this message.
> Thank you,
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Version: 3.1.0-beta-2
> I'm seeing an issue where I can't save changes to the Kerberos5 or
> Kerberos4 settings in my identity configuration. The General tab does
> register changes.
> Let me know if you can't reproduce that problem.
> -Dop

this ticket was accidently killed during spam clearing.

I can't replicate this problem and no one else has seen it.
I've got more than 50 users privately testing kfw so if this
was a pervasive problem I'm sure it would have been reported
by many people.

Can you provide any additional details as to what the problem is?
Or how to recreate it?

Can you replicate the problem on a second system?
also, what OS?

what plugins if any are installed? (AFS? KCA? versions?)

which installer? (MSI or EXE)

upgrade from previous version of KFW? (which version?)

Please confirm that the items you are referring to are:

Kerberos 5:

* Default Realm
* Browse button for Kerberos Configuration File
* Kerberos Configuration File Location field

Kerberos 4:

* Ticket cache location
* Config file path and browse button
* Realm file path and browse button
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 11:27:09 -0600
From: Mike Dopheide <>
Subject: Re: [ #4599] identity configuration
Download (untitled) / with headers
text/plain 1.6KiB

I'm going to try to consolidate this into one reply. I'll start with
more details of the problem.

Everything is fine if you are selecting options through the New
Credentials -> "Options >>" tabs. I didn't realize this before which
I'm sure caused confusion. The problem is when going through the main
menus Options->General. Then click on your identify and the Kerberos 5 tab.

As you're aware, whenever you make a change in the general options
window the little box on the left turns orange indicating that a change
was made and the Apply button becomes active. However with the
checkboxes in the Kerberos5 and Kerberos4 tabs, the changes aren't
noticed so you don't have the option to apply the changes. It's only
the checkboxes. Setting a new ticket lifetime turns on the Apply button
and then changes to the checkboxes can be saved.

OS: Windows XP (fully updated)
Installer: EXE, installed without SDK or Debugger.

I see the problem on two separate systems. The first was after
reinstalling the OS on my laptop and I installed 3.1-beta1 first. After
seeing the problem I uninstall/reinstalled 3.0 and 3.1 betas several
times. The second system never had kerberos before and I installed
beta4 first to verify the problem. I'm not using any KfW plugins.

Hopefully you can replicate the problem now with the added detail.


Jeffrey Altman via RT wrote:
Show quoted text
> Dop:
> Please confirm that the items you are referring to are:
> Kerberos 5:
> * Default Realm
> * Browse button for Kerberos Configuration File
> * Kerberos Configuration File Location field
> Kerberos 4:
> * Ticket cache location
> * Config file path and browse button
> * Realm file path and browse button
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:55:25 -0500
From: Jeffrey Altman <>
Subject: Re: [ #4599] identity configuration
For KFW 3.1 the ability to change the path to the configuration files
is going to be disabled. This functionality will be implemented in
KFW 3.2.

The ability to set the default Kerberos 5 realm has been fixed.

The checkboxes on the individual identity's Kerberos 5 configuration
pages have been fixed.
closing ticket