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Subject: KfW build system
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Tags: pullup

SVN revision 19394 was incorrectly attached to ticket 5490 on 2007-04-

Correct usage to track implementation.

Split repository action into two parts; setting kerveros.ver variables
goes in the middle, no longer conditioned on repository access. This
ensures that all substitution variables set correctly, even when the
repository action is SKIP.

Avoid 'file not found' msg when deleting temp file.

BETA version not marked as RELEASE.

Create installer sandboxes from the staging area. Build there and
copy results back to staging area. NSI build no longer picks up WIX
build products.

Modified file:
Put it in the right queue.
Subject: SVN Commit
KfW build automation:

Consolidate all command line switch info in one section of the config.xml, flatten structure.
Don't prune .../site/... .
Use getopts negate option where possible.
New method of dealing with repository options, driven from config xml.
Adjust code to find switches in new place.

Hardwire default config to bkwconfig.xml. Makes "" the out-of-the-box command line.
Hardwire unixfind path to C:\tools\cygwin\bin.
Add filver to required programs list.

Update documentation.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19430
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U trunk/src/windows/build/bkw-automation.html
U trunk/src/windows/build/
U trunk/src/windows/build/
U trunk/src/windows/build/
U trunk/src/windows/build/
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:36:07 -0400
From: Jeffrey Altman <>
Subject: Re: [ #5521] SVN Commit
This version of the build scripts still contains the old usage options
although it is unclear that they do anything. Specifying "/u jaltman"
for example results in the error:

Info -- Reading configuration from BKWconfig.xml.
Info -- chdir to

Fatal -- you won't get far accessing the repository without specifying a
username. at line 277.

Is the usage incorrect or the script broken?
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:08:06 -0400
From: Jeffrey Altman <>
Subject: Re: [ #5521] SVN Commit
Download (untitled) / with headers
text/plain 1.4KiB
Are the uninitialized value and Parameter format not correct warnings

[07/04/12 11:58:31] c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\staging\install\wix\*.*
copied to c:\temp\kfwout\mit\ziptemp\install\wix\\
[07/04/12 11:58:32] c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\staging\lib\i386\*.lib
copied to c:\temp\kfwout\mit\ziptemp\lib\i386\\
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- chdir to c:\temp\kfwout\mit\ziptemp
[07/04/12 11:58:32]
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at line 13.
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- Processing prunes in c:\temp\kfwout\mit\ziptemp
[07/04/12 11:58:32]
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- Looking for filenames containing *.exe
[07/04/12 11:58:32] File not found - *.exe
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- Looking for filenames containing *.msi
[07/04/12 11:58:32] File not found - *.msi
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- Looking for filenames containing *.dll
[07/04/12 11:58:32] File not found - *.dll
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- Looking for filenames containing *.obj
[07/04/12 11:58:32] File not found - *.obj
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- Looking for filenames containing *.wixobj
[07/04/12 11:58:32] File not found - *.wixobj
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- Looking for filenames containing custom.lib
[07/04/12 11:58:32] FIND: Parameter format not correct
[07/04/12 11:58:32] Info -- Looking for filenames containing custom.exp
[07/04/12 11:58:32] FIND: Parameter format not correct
[07/04/12 11:58:37] Info -- chdir to c:\temp\kfwout\mit
[07/04/12 11:58:37]
Subject: SVN Commit
[From previous commit]
Make case of username in config.xml and presence test match what's passed to GETOPTS!

Update doc for new config structure in config xml.

For case of username in one more place.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19432
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
Locate unixfind correctly in $config.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19433
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:43:50 -0400
From: Jeffrey Altman <>
Subject: Re: [ #5521] SVN Commit
cvs head
svn trunk or branch krb5-1-6

[07/04/12 12:41:39] light -nologo -out .\kfw.msi .\kfw.wixobj -loc
[07/04/12 12:41:40]
c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\buildwix\install\wix\files.wxi(780) : error
LGHT0099 : The file with id 'fil_site_local_nsi' and name
'SITE-LCN.NSI|site-local-tagged.nsi' could not be found with source
path: 'c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\staging\install\nsis\site-local-tagged.nsi'.
[07/04/12 12:41:40]
c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\buildwix\install\wix\files.wxi(781) : error
LGHT0099 : The file with id 'fil_nsi_incl' and name
'NSI-INCL.NSI|nsi-includes-tagged.nsi' could not be found with source
[07/04/12 12:41:40]
c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\buildwix\install\wix\files.wxi(793) : error
LGHT0099 : The file with id 'fil_site_local_wxi' and name
'SITE-LCL.WXI|site-local-tagged.wxi' could not be found with source
path: 'c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\staging\install\wix\site-local-tagged.wxi'.
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 13:16:51 -0400
From: Jeffrey Altman <>
Subject: Re: [ #5521] SVN Commit
RT-Send-Cc: removes the tagged files after generating the localized versions
with sed
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 13:22:58 -0400
From: Jeffrey Altman <>
Subject: Re: [ #5521] SVN Commit
Download (untitled) / with headers
text/plain 1.3KiB
With the most recent revision of committed to this ticket
the uninitialized value warning is still there.

[07/04/12 13:20:24] c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\athena\*.* copied to
[07/04/12 13:20:24] c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\doc\*.* copied to
[07/04/12 13:20:25] c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere\scripts\*.* copied to
[07/04/12 13:20:25] Info -- chdir to c:\temp\kfwout\mit\ziptemp
[07/04/12 13:20:25]
[07/04/12 13:20:25] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or
string at line 13.
[07/04/12 13:20:25] Info -- Processing prunes in c:\temp\kfwout\mit\ziptemp
[07/04/12 13:20:25]
[07/04/12 13:20:25] Info -- Looking for filenames containing CVS
[07/04/12 13:20:25] FIND: Parameter format not correct
[07/04/12 13:20:25] Info -- Looking for filenames containing .cvsignore
[07/04/12 13:20:25] FIND: Parameter format not correct
[07/04/12 13:20:25] Info -- Looking for filenames containing Changelog
[07/04/12 13:20:25] FIND: Parameter format not correct
[07/04/12 13:20:37] Info -- chdir to c:\temp\kfwout\mit
[07/04/12 13:20:37]
[07/04/12 13:20:41] Info -- created c:\temp\kfwout\mit\
[07/04/12 13:20:41] Info -- *** Begin preparing for build.
[07/04/12 13:20:41] Info -- chdir to c:\temp\buildkfw\pismere
Subject: SVN Commit
Locate unixfind correctly in $config, again.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19434
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: svn rev #19431: trunk/src/windows/build/
From: kpkoch@MIT.EDU
Subject: svn rev #19431: trunk/src/windows/build/
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:48:13 -0400 (EDT)

Commit By: kpkoch
Log Message:
Make case of username in config.xml and presence test match what's
passed to GETOPTS!

Update doc for new config structure in config xml.

Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U trunk/src/windows/build/bkw-automation.html
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
Only copy install/[wix|nsi] areas into install builder temp areas.
Write site-local files to those temp areas. Now tagged files stay in the staging area and are incorporated into the installers. The substituted files are only in the installer build temp areas.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19451
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19464
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/bkw-automation.html
Subject: SVN Commit
Add BUILD_KFW=1 & DEBUG_SYMBOL=1 to invocation.
Align setting of RELEASE/DEBUG/BETA with release notes.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19465
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
Implement environment variable settings from the config xml file. See notes in bkwconfig.xml.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19469
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
Leave built installers in their temp areas and change final copy step to copy them into <out> from their new location. Delay cleaning up the temp areas until after that copy.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19472
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
Factor repository access out of into

Modify to use an initial config file to fetch the sources and then use the config file from those sources to do the build. This way, the description of how to build the sources is in the config file that is part of the sources. It is possible and probably reasonable for the initial config file to be the same as the tagged version. Output all the options used.

Add bootstrap.xml - a sample minimal config file, sufficient to fetch the sources from a repository.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19489
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/
A trunk/src/windows/build/bootstrap.xml
A trunk/src/windows/build/
A trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19394 from trunk

r19394@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-02 23:04:52 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5490
Tags: pullup

Correct usage to track implementation.

Split repository action into two parts; setting kerveros.ver variables goes in the middle, no longer conditioned on repository access. This ensures that all substitution variables set correctly, even when the repository action is SKIP.

Avoid 'file not found' msg when deleting temp file.

BETA version not marked as RELEASE.

Create installer sandboxes from the staging area. Build there and copy results back to staging area. NSI build no longer picks up WIX build products.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19493
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19430 from trunk

r19430@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-12 10:29:07 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

KfW build automation:

Consolidate all command line switch info in one section of the config.xml, flatten structure.
Don't prune .../site/... .
Use getopts negate option where possible.
New method of dealing with repository options, driven from config xml.
Adjust code to find switches in new place.

Hardwire default config to bkwconfig.xml. Makes "" the out-of-the-box command line.
Hardwire unixfind path to C:\tools\cygwin\bin.
Add filver to required programs list.

Update documentation.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19494
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/bkw-automation.html
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19431 from trunk

r19431@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-12 11:48:12 -0400
Make case of username in config.xml and presence test match what's passed to GETOPTS!

Update doc for new config structure in config xml.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19495
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/bkw-automation.html
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19432 from trunk

r19432@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-12 12:07:30 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

[From previous commit]
Make case of username in config.xml and presence test match what's passed to GETOPTS!

Update doc for new config structure in config xml.

For case of username in one more place.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19496
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19433 from trunk

r19433@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-12 12:30:03 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

Locate unixfind correctly in $config.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19497
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19434 from trunk

r19434@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-12 13:28:36 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

Locate unixfind correctly in $config, again.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19498
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19451 from trunk

r19451@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-12 23:00:21 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

Only copy install/[wix|nsi] areas into install builder temp areas.
Write site-local files to those temp areas. Now tagged files stay in the staging area and are incorporated into the installers. The substituted files are only in the installer build temp areas.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19499
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19464 from trunk

r19464@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-13 09:00:30 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup


Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19500
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/bkw-automation.html
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19465 from trunk

r19465@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-13 14:11:35 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

Add BUILD_KFW=1 & DEBUG_SYMBOL=1 to invocation.
Align setting of RELEASE/DEBUG/BETA with release notes.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19501
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19469 from trunk

r19469@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-13 18:29:58 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

Implement environment variable settings from the config xml file. See notes in bkwconfig.xml.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19502
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19472 from trunk

r19472@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-14 14:06:26 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

Leave built installers in their temp areas and change final copy step to copy them into <out> from their new location. Delay cleaning up the temp areas until after that copy.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19503
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/BKWconfig.xml
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19489 from trunk

r19489@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-17 23:00:49 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

Factor repository access out of into

Modify to use an initial config file to fetch the sources and then use the config file from those sources to do the build. This way, the description of how to build the sources is in the config file that is part of the sources. It is possible and probably reasonable for the initial config file to be the same as the tagged version. Output all the options used.

Add bootstrap.xml - a sample minimal config file, sufficient to fetch the sources from a repository.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19504
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
A branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/bootstrap.xml
A branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
A branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
Rollback previous change. This version is the same as R19472.
Commit By: kpkoch

Revision: 19507
Changed Files:
U trunk/src/windows/build/
Subject: SVN Commit
pull up r19507 from trunk

r19507@cathode-dark-space: kpkoch | 2007-04-19 14:03:16 -0400
Target_Version: 1.6.1
Ticket: 5521
Tags: pullup

Rollback previous change. This version is the same as R19472.

Commit By: tlyu

Revision: 19508
Changed Files:
_U branches/krb5-1-6/
U branches/krb5-1-6/src/windows/build/