On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 05:37:13PM -0400, Jeffrey Altman via RT wrote:
Show quoted text
> Kevin Koch via RT wrote:
> > sendto_kdc.c start_connection(...) calls socket(...).
> >
> > The returned SOCKET is treated as a file handle.
> >
> > On Windows, the SOCKET is greater than FD_SETSIZE, so close is called.
> > The SOCKET is also greater than the number of file handles, so close
> > asserts.
> (1) close() is a C Runtime Library function that only works on C RTL
> file descriptors. closesocket() must be used for SOCKET returned by
> socket().
> (2) FD_SETSIZE in winsock has no relation to the value of SOCKET
> handles. FD_SETSIZE is the number of sockets that can be stored in an
> fd_set. It is not a maximum bound on the value of the handle.
> Arrays of FD_SETSIZE are not safe to use on Windows. Alternative data
> structures must be designed that will work on all platforms including
> UNIX/Linux systems whose "ulimit -n" values are raised above FD_SETSIZE.
You might want to consider using libevent, which has support for "Linux,
*BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows" and which is distributed with a
3-clause BSD license (but without the advertising clause).
This should result in more portable code and should allow you to let
someone else worry about the low-level details of I/O polling and async
I/O on each OS. With any luck you might even be able to reduce the
amount of source code related to I/O polling and async I/O in MIT krb5