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Subject: KIM vs no-config

Vendor's patch : LHA-6427631-kim-vs-no-config.patch
diff -Nur -x '*~' -x '*.orig' -x '*.rej' -x '*.pbxbtree' -x '*.pbxindex' -x lha.mode1v3 -x lha.mode2v3 -x lha.pbxuser -x windows -x .DS_Store Kerberos.AEP-6.5fc1.orig/KerberosFramework/Kerberos5/Sources/kim/lib/kim_preferences.c Kerberos.AEP-6.5fc1/KerberosFramework/Kerberos5/Sources/kim/lib/kim_preferences.c
--- Kerberos.AEP-6.5fc1.orig/KerberosFramework/Kerberos5/Sources/kim/lib/kim_preferences.c 2008-11-07 11:24:45.000000000 -0800
+++ Kerberos.AEP-6.5fc1/KerberosFramework/Kerberos5/Sources/kim/lib/kim_preferences.c 2008-12-09 14:47:57.000000000 -0800
@@ -440,21 +440,23 @@
kim_identity identity = NULL;

err = kim_os_identity_create_for_username (&default_identity);
- if (!err) {
+ /* lets ignore that we don't have a default id because we might not know our default realm */
+ if (err == 0) {
err = kim_os_preferences_get_identity_for_key (kim_preference_key_client_identity,
- }
+ if (!err) {
+ kim_identity_free (&in_preferences->client_identity);
+ in_preferences->client_identity = identity;
+ identity = NULL;
+ }

- if (!err) {
- kim_identity_free (&in_preferences->client_identity);
- in_preferences->client_identity = identity;
- identity = NULL;
- }
- kim_identity_free (&default_identity);
- kim_identity_free (&identity);
+ kim_identity_free (&default_identity);
+ kim_identity_free (&identity);
+ } else
+ err = 0;

if (!err) {
Need to look at the side effects of having the identity in the preferences being NULL and fix any
places where the code doesn't handle this case. Basically just look at all the places in the code
where KIM looks up the identity in the preferences and make sure it handles NULL there.

Once that has been verified just take this patch.

Passing to Zhanna.